Conservatory Insulation Ceiling Specialists Suffolk, Norfolk & Essex

Telephone : 01359 408572
Why do our conversions work so well?

Glass and polycarbonate roofs have little or no thermal insulation so they let heat in out in alarming quantities.
As we all know; All conservatories are too hot in the summer and are too cold in the winter.
The simple addition of a properly installed thermal barrier, either as a roof, or an insulated ceiling, transforms the effeciveness of the roof to be as efficient as any room within the home.
In brief, they save energy in the winter and stay much cooler in the summer. So, they're comfortabe all year.
All other suppliers are generally nationally operated. They want to come in and get out in one day. This means that they don't build a proper supporting frame for the conversions. This can lead to problems with added weight, condensation and does not allow them the time to provide a lovely plastered finish. Instead they supply plastic cladding.
Our conversions take 2-5 days to complete and are built so that they never add weight or stress the existing roof and allow the glass or polycarbnate panels to be replaced (if damaged and are available from the original supplier).
Insulated Ceilings:
Our Unique self supporting floating frame design

Magnified view of floating frame